Welcome to my professional website!

I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Earth and Environmental Science at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, with an interest in climate change and carbon cycling in polar regions. My research focuses on biogeochemical feedback processes across terrestrial and marine systems resulting from amplified Arctic warming. My work is guided by the uncertainties surrounding the future of the Arctic environment and its potential impact on the global climate system.

To this end, I investigate processes such as the release of carbon and greenhouse gases from thawing permafrost, the melting of Arctic ice sheets, and the rapid acidification of the Arctic Ocean due to rising atmospheric CO2 levels and declining sea ice. A central aspect of my research involves using past warming periods as “natural experiments”. For instance, I study environmental change during warming events like the post-glacial climate transition 17,500 to 10,000 years ago and much warmer interglacial periods in the more distant past, such as 120,000 and 400,000 years ago. These periods serve as references for understanding climate transformations, and provide context to ongoing and future climate states.

In my work, I employ molecular analysis of organic matter in terrestrial and marine sediments, as well as stable and radioactive isotopes, to elucidate carbon cycling and climate variability.





New paper out!

In this study, we investigate terrestrial carbon export from the Laptev Sea shelf to the slope and rise using δ13C, Δ14C, biomarkers, and 210Pb mass accumulation, finding that 80%–90% of the input is retained on the shelf, while carbon accumulation declines by 52% at the shelf edge and 68% from slope to rise due to carbon transport and degradation dynamics.

On March 14, I was invited to discuss the effects of climate change in the Arctic region at a public panel organized by the University of Cologne NYC Office as part of their Transatlantic Tandem Talk series.
